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What Is A Man?

Dear Friend,

What does it mean to be a man? Today most men don’t really know. While women are daily bombarded by idealized yet confused feminine images from the magazine racks, men too don’t have a clue what they are supposed to be doing.

Typically, guys are stuck with two images of what a man is supposed to be. The first image is of a cad. He is an arrogant jerk. Superficial. He thinks with the wrong “head”. A perpetual teenager. The second image is of an effeminate wet noodle. He every gal’s best friend. In fact, he so much like you ladies that he’s probably gay.

For those of us who want to celebrate the masculine without buying into either of the above two stereotypes, there is a third way. Author David Deida calls this the “Way of the Superior Man” in his book of the same title ((c) 2004 Sounds True, Inc.).

You see, a man can be powerful, driven, sensitive, loving, and very sexy, and still be a man. Today’s men (and boys) just need better role models. And if they aren’t getting that modeling from their fathers, then you moms will just have to do it yourselves. Get in touch with your inner masculine, gals, and show your sons what kind of man they really can be.

Talk with you soon,


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