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Are You Dead?

Dear Friend,

How do you know you are dead? You suddenly discover that you have no more problems to solve.

If you are working hard to solve all of your problems, to prepare for every contingency, and to tie up every loose end before you cast off in pursuit of your dreams, then you are on a fools errand.

Problems and challenges are what define life. The process of life is defined by how we approach and, hopefully, overcome these challenges. New challenges will come, of course. And if they didn’t, we’d probably create some.

As humans, we need challenge. It is what defines us. Sitting around in a rocking chair is as deadly an act as base jumping. Perhaps it’s worse.

Our bodies expect to be busy. Our minds and our muscles expect and need exercising, or they atrophy and die. A dull and sedentary existence tells your body that it is no longer needed or useful, and it just shuts itself off.

Sure, some of us are more active than others. I am quite guilty of couch potato living myself. But at least be aware of the nature of your physical self. You body and your mind need challenge to thrive. And this fact does not end just because you are living the life you love. The opposite is true.

What is different for happy folks than for everyone else is that work comes much easier because it is the right work for you. It is fun. And fun is not dangerous. In fact, I am certain that fun will extend your health and lifespan substantially over the lifespan of those who do not experience fun regularly.

And anyway, what is life worth if living isn’t fun. Maybe dying would be better?

Since I am having fun, I expect to live a very long time. I highly recommend it!

All the best,


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