The Journey Is The Destination
Dear Friend,
We have spent most of our journey without a schedule.
Having a schedule changes the essential character of an experience. To those without schedules, the mobile life is a nomadic lifestyle. To those with a schedule, a journey is just that – a trip from one point to another, with some stops in between when you have the time.
It doesn’t matter how long the experience lasts. A scheduled trip of one month is still, in my eyes, inferior to a one week experience that ends because I choose it to, and not because I am forced to.
The difference between these two experiences appears so subtle that I think most folks would blow off the distinction. Yet that difference, a difference in attitude, is all that matters. It is the difference between living a life that owns you and living the life that you create for yourself.
To me, this is the most powerful little distinction that a human being can make in their life.
Helping others to appreciate the significance of this distinction is not always easy. Including people in your own crew.
You cannot dictate the character of your travelmates’ experience, nor should you. However, at minimum, you must help them to understand and respect how very important this little attitude adjustment is to you.
I hope that you will create for yourself a lifestyle that eliminates schedules that you do not control. For me, it is the difference between being on leave from slavery and being truly free.
Talk to you again soon,
Always a pleasure to read about attitude. Isn’t it funny that even though formally, we leave in a democracy, true power and freedom for the individual is very rare? Because it’s the freedom of the mind that’s really important and truly hard to master.
Always a pleasure to read about attitude. Isn’t it funny that even though formally, we leave in a democracy, true power and freedom for the individual is very rare? Because it’s the freedom of the mind that’s really important and truly hard to master.