Welcome to the Republic of California?
Dear Friend,
Hi From Sunny California!
Well, sorta sunny. We awoke this morning on the Pacific coast of Oregon, to a chilly and damp fog, combined with intermittent rain. Classic Pacific northwest weather.
After a long day’s drive (my wife took most of today’s shift), we arrived in the area of California’s redwood forests. Amazingly, practically the moment we crossed the border, the skies opened up and the warm sun shone through.
However, we couldn’t take notice because the “Republic of California” maintains an armed border post at it’s border with Oregon – the only such post between States that I have ever seen in my life.
The guard who greeted us was pleasant, and told us that they were defending Califoria from pests. I am sure that they are. Still, I really did feel like I was crossing into another nation.
And, honestly, I do not believe that such a post is constitutional, as it restricts free and unencumbered trade and travel between States. It certainly could have a “chilling” effect on ordinary folks crossing between these two States. Yet I understand that these posts have been on California’s borders with other States for years.
Of course, the US Supreme Court has allowed this, or such border posts wouldn’t exist. But I’ve never put much faith in those guys, to tell you the truth.
If all of that constitutional mumbo-jumbo means nothing to you, don’t sweat it. My old legal education is showing its ugly head again.
I also noticed that California had no welcome sign. Oregon had a welcome and a goodbye sign, one facing in each direction. So am I welcome here or not? My fruit was certainly suspect.
Anyway, tomorrow we check out the big trees, and then barrel down to SF for a few days.
Talk to you later!
@hughdeburgh enjoyed reading your post since I am a transplant of CA, living in beautiful Oregon known for it’s “intermittent rain.”
@hughdeburgh enjoyed reading your post since I am a transplant of CA, living in beautiful Oregon known for it’s “intermittent rain.”