My Life IS My Message
Dear Friend,
Sometimes new acquaintances ask me, “So Hugh, what is it you do?” It seems like a straight-forward question, but for me, answering never is.
Consider the following possible answers:
“I help awaken people to the life they should be living.”
“I show people how to transform their lives and live their dreams.”
“I help people to re-order their priorities.”
“I talk about my unusual lifestyle so that others might be inspired to follow.”
For some, these answers are perfect. They are listening, and they truly want to take control of their lives. For others, particularly those who just ask this question to make polite conversation and aren’t really looking for an answer, responses like these just leave them bewildered.
Most of this latter group expect me to say that I sell widgets or I’m a lawyer or something. Sometimes, when I see that someone just doesn’t get it, I say that I’m a writer. Which is true. People like that answer better. It seems like a cool job and it explains my somewhat eccentric and wandering lifestyle.
In truth, what I really do is to be the true me. And, whenever you do that, you are bound to do and try things that the masses wouldn’t dare do or try. And I guess that makes me appear eccentric sometimes.
When you start to direct your own life’s path, you too will be faced with this explanation conundrum. When this happens – celebrate! You have finally left the old rutted path and taken the path less traveled. Your path.
Way to go!
Let the way you live your life be a beacon and example to all. First and foremost, to your children.
At least, that’s what I try to do.
Talk to you soon,