Watch Your Head!
Dear Friend,
This morning I awoke to the loud buzzing sound of a sea plane as it revved it engines just meters from my bed.
You see, last night we slept at a campground and marina on the waterfront immediately across from downtown Victoria, British Columbia.
As I arose I looked out of my small window to see one of these planes begin its takeoff, bouncing along the water’s surface, and then rising so smoothly, turning away from the city waterfront, and then heading east, no doubt, towards Vancouver, which lies miles across the Georgia Straight on the Canadian mainland.
When your provincial capital lies on an island, even one nearly as large as the nation of Switzerland as this island is, the words “air” and “taxi” seem to flow together without any confusion.
Unfortunately, this morning we will be heading to the ferry that will take the Warrior and its crew to Port Angeles, Washington, and our final exit from the nation of Canada for this trip.
Canada has been fun, but now it’s time to head south for the towering trees of Redwood National Park on the Oregon-California coastline. After walking among the giant cedars on the west coast of Vancouver Island, we can’t wait to be in the presence of more of these immense artifacts of the Pacific Rim temperate rain forest.
I’ll get with you again after we’ve transitioned back into the US.
All the best,