Stopping a Runaway Train
Dear Friend,
Most folks have no idea what the term “being” really means.
Sure, there are human “beings,” “beings” from other worlds, or perhaps I’m talking about bee keeping?
Note that each of those definitions refer to things, or actions. I am talking about none of these.
Western culture has no real explanation for the concept of “being.” We define our lives through action, because action gets things done.
I’m a fan of action. At least, when it is directed for a purpose. Or when it helps to define our being.
I am talking about this apparently esoteric topic because the mere act of becoming aware of your being can stop our fast paced lives in their tracks. BAM!
Such a quiet, still concept as taking note of our existence, separate from our physical characteristics or of our constant actions, turns us from mere machines into true human beings.
The problem with most of our lives is that we never take note of this being. Sometimes it’s called, “stopping to smell the roses.” Though that definition sounds so fleeting.
To take note of your being is to actually stop time in its tracks. It is to set yourself apart from the definitions others put onto your life and to get cozy with you, and all that is around you.
It is impossible to feel carried away by your life when you can take note of your being. It is impossible to feel overwhelmed or stressed when you understand that our lifestyles are just imaginary constructs that we have built, or let others build for us. We can change anything and everything. If only we weren’t afraid to do so. And clueless as to what to do next.
Step one to getting off the run-away train that is your life is to simply stop it dead in its tracks. Don’t worry, you won’t be hurt. And you know why? Because your life has a pause button. It’s called taking stock of your being.
Meditation, prayer, awareness of your higher self – call it what you will – getting in touch with your being is step one to escaping a life of quiet desperation.
Talk again soon,