That look ...
Dear Friends,
What drives me to write my books and this blog is a consistent reaction I have when I see the eyes of people who think they are imprisoned by their lives.
Mind you, these folks almost never say they they are imprisoned, and I suspect that most of them would vehemently deny it if you asked them out of the blue.
Yet, it is this sense of imprisonment and a corresponding disappointment with life that drives the emotions of “quiet desperation” that secretly dominate the hearts of the vast majority of people I run into.
Certainly, life has its beautiful moments. The problem is, they are usually fleeting. Perhaps their main effect is to remind you of the joy you one enjoyed as a child, but that now seems as distant as your childhood.
I feel driven to awaken these folks to what can be, now, not “later,” once they’ve accomplished the laundry list of prerequisites to happiness they have imposed on themselves – got to make money, got to get a promotion, got to get this next sale, got to get my kids through college, bla bla bla.
That is all a bunch of bu** s**t.
Yet getting through to these folks is like trying to get the attention of a freight train as it flies by you. They just aren’t paying attention. They are so completely submerged in their own little boring worlds, they hear and see only what they expect to. And my message is definitely unexpected. Or is rejected as a bunch of good feeling hooey.
So I keep talking. And tweeting. and delivering my message to as many people as I can. If only a few take notice, that is an accomplishment.
Practically the entire Earth’s human population is my targeted audience. And I am only one guy. But I don’t have some agenda, or particular path that I insist you must take.
My mission is a simple one – to get your attention, and then to get you to seriously consider one question – what is that hole in your heart that used to be filled? Then consider these questions: Was your ex-spouse really the cause of all of your miseries, or just a convenient scape goat? Do you really know your children? Is this the life that you always dreamed of? Are you prepared to settle for the rest of your life? Do you really have a choice?
Have I gotten your attention yet? If so, great!
Now don’t be afraid. Keep asking the questions. Don’t fear being depressed by the answers.
There is a way through this maze. And it doesn’t require abandonment of your existing life. And most who do choose to abandon their life and start over – call them “human bankruptcies” – just end up creating another life that mirrors their old one.
If you are still with me, won’t you stay with me? Reply to this post. Chat on Twitter. Do some research.
The light at the end of the tunnel is there. And it’s not really so far away. We all just need a guide to get there.
Are you ready?
Talk to you again soon,
Hi Hugh.
Ok, so you’ve got my attention. I have to admit I was waiting for a sales pitch, or an “act now for only 3 monthly installments of 99.99 you too can be happy!” but alas it did not come. I thank you for that.
The thing that really got my attention was the “human bankruptcies” comment. It’s as though you tore a page out of my life on that one…right down to selling off and giving away everything I owned. (Which I have slowly replaced over the past 8 years.) I didn’t completely waste my time…I did learn a few things.
I find your blog interesting though…so I’ll keep reading. I’ve been seeking answers for most of my adult life with very few results, but perhaps I am asking the wrong questions.
Hi Hugh.
Ok, so you’ve got my attention. I have to admit I was waiting for a sales pitch, or an “act now for only 3 monthly installments of 99.99 you too can be happy!” but alas it did not come. I thank you for that.
The thing that really got my attention was the “human bankruptcies” comment. It’s as though you tore a page out of my life on that one…right down to selling off and giving away everything I owned. (Which I have slowly replaced over the past 8 years.) I didn’t completely waste my time…I did learn a few things.
I find your blog interesting though…so I’ll keep reading. I’ve been seeking answers for most of my adult life with very few results, but perhaps I am asking the wrong questions.
Hi Hugh
It is interesting how you just appeared. I am reading a great book called Gaurdians of Vision. at the WelSystems Institute. http://www.louiselebrun.com/store/c321999.2.html
I am following my body as opposed to my Mind, my thoughts. Each impulse in my body is beginning to lead me. If i like it… I move towards it… If I don’t…i don’t…
I allow my chrildren to be there own individuals. I do not impose my Cultral beliefs on them. That belongs to me.. I have to deal with.
My chirldren have there opinions and they trust themselves..
What a wonderful feeling..
I love what you are doing.. because we do have choices.. alot of peolple don’t see that.
Hi Hugh
It is interesting how you just appeared. I am reading a great book called Gaurdians of Vision. at the WelSystems Institute. http://www.louiselebrun.com/store/c321999.2.html
I am following my body as opposed to my Mind, my thoughts. Each impulse in my body is beginning to lead me. If i like it… I move towards it… If I don’t…i don’t…
I allow my chrildren to be there own individuals. I do not impose my Cultral beliefs on them. That belongs to me.. I have to deal with.
My chirldren have there opinions and they trust themselves..
What a wonderful feeling..
I love what you are doing.. because we do have choices.. alot of peolple don’t see that.
Hey Tanya!
I have always instinctively followed by body’s lead. Some thought it weird, but if my body didn’t feel just right, I would abstain from whatever activity I was about to commence. Now, that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t dive into difficult challenges, because sometimes my body felt ready, even primed, for such challenges.
I have never heard anyone refer to listening to their body first before you. That is so cool!
I’ll check out the book – thanks for the link! And thanks for your post!
Hey Tanya!
I have always instinctively followed by body’s lead. Some thought it weird, but if my body didn’t feel just right, I would abstain from whatever activity I was about to commence. Now, that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t dive into difficult challenges, because sometimes my body felt ready, even primed, for such challenges.
I have never heard anyone refer to listening to their body first before you. That is so cool!
I’ll check out the book – thanks for the link! And thanks for your post!
Hi Cat!
I’m glad I touched somebody! Just getting attentions, in the middle of the howling noise of the market the fills the Internet, is sooo tough. Especially because most folks want something from you.
I’m sorry about your tough experience. It would be great to reach more people before they have lived through such tragedies. But most people don’t really think until they get hit on the head with a 2 x 4!
And that’s all I’m trying to do – to give folks a gentle “bonk” before they find themselves in a real pickle with no way out.
Thanks for following my blog. But thank you more for posting. Like I said, I’m just one guy. What we need is a community of people who contribute together to a common message – wake up and take control of your life before it takes you over a cliff!
Talk to you soon!
Hi Cat!
I’m glad I touched somebody! Just getting attentions, in the middle of the howling noise of the market the fills the Internet, is sooo tough. Especially because most folks want something from you.
I’m sorry about your tough experience. It would be great to reach more people before they have lived through such tragedies. But most people don’t really think until they get hit on the head with a 2 x 4!
And that’s all I’m trying to do – to give folks a gentle “bonk” before they find themselves in a real pickle with no way out.
Thanks for following my blog. But thank you more for posting. Like I said, I’m just one guy. What we need is a community of people who contribute together to a common message – wake up and take control of your life before it takes you over a cliff!
Talk to you soon!