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The Family Liberation Nation!

Dear Friend,

I have been distilling my ideas for helping people to achieve their dreams. If you are an adult, and if you have a family of your own, you know the forces at work in your life to put you on a straight jacket path into a rat-race future.

My life has always been about resisting that straight jacket, without substantial negative impact to my relaxed and comfortable lifestyle, and in teaching others how to live this way too. In fact, at their core, just about every MLM or other internet marketing program that gets shoved down your throat in email spam and otherwise is really directed to achieve the same thing – to enable grownups like us to escape the prison of the cubicle, the kitchen, or the minivan, and to instead pursue our dreams in any way we desire, without forcing our family to live in a cardboard box under an overpass while dining out of garbage cans.

The problem, the missing element out of all of this, is that there has never been a conceptual framework, an image that people can grab hold of and say, “Yes!, That’s me! That’s how I want my family to live our lives!.”

I call this new framework the “Family Liberation Movement,” and those who choose to be a part of this resistance to the mediocre as the “Family Liberation Nation.” We choose to live our own lives, sharing as much with the Ozzie and Harriot set as we individually wish, but living lives and earning wealth in a manner defined by our steadfast determination to make our own life choices and to pursue our lifestyles as we see fit.

If this approach to living your life sounds intriguing, then stick around. I know that you must have many questions. You should also have thoughts of your own as to the best way to achieve this new approach to family life. Let’s join together in the creation of our new world, and declare our independence from the tyranny of suburbia!

Won’t you join me and become a citizen of the Family Liberation Nation?

Talk to you soon!


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